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Teryyl Bunn


You can change the trajectory of a child’s life by giving that child a precious gift—a little bit of your time.
Become an advocate in our community to help a child who has been removed from their home due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment. It’s worth it… to make a difference in the life of a child.

Take Action

CASA is vital to our community because it is the only organization that provides a voice for the children we serve in the foster care system.  When I was advocating for my very first child over 12 years ago, I wondered why every child in the system did not have a CASA.  I learned that it was because there simply were not enough volunteers to serve every child. My wish back then was for every child to have a CASA.  That is still my wish today.  I have seen the difference a CASA makes for the children who are fortunate to have one. I am so proud of Santa Barbara CASA for the strides the organization has made toward the goal of serving every child in the system. We have not reached that goal, but are getting closer and closer. It is my hope that we will reach that goal one day.  You too can become a CASA. I promise you will not only make a difference in the life of a child, but the experience will make a difference in you.